The Bear Essentials

Dec 19
December 20, 2024

February is S.T.E.M. Month at Aukamm ES

Week 1: Technology with Mr. Pham

Week 2: Science Presentation from the Garrison

Week 3: S.T.E.M. Station Rotations

Week 4: Aukamm’s Innovation Fair

Innovation Fair

 1) For Aukamm Innovation Fair directions and all-encompassing information, you will be prompted to make a copy once you click on the Google Link: 

2) Making a copy enables each participant to have their very own version of the Google slides. It’s easiest to upload them to your child’s DODEA Google account.

3) If your child needs to use the school printer, please SHARE their slides (top right blue SHARE tab) from the provided presentation link with, and Mrs. Fernandez Martell will print the slides. 

4) Aukamm is providing FREE project boards. Please see Mrs. Fernandez Martell or email her at 

5) Aukamm Innovation Fair is on February 27th from 4:30-6:30 pm; Sign-up sheets are due February 5th. The sign-up form is also enclosed in SLIDE 6 of the provided presentation link. 

6) Students DO NOT need to be present at the fair; their display and project model explain their work.

S.T.E.M. Video starring Aukamm Bears

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Name Position Details Phone
Registrar Registrar +49 (0)611-143-545-2001
Secretary Secretary +49 (0)611-143-545-1774
Attendance Attendance +49 (0)611-143-545-2001

School Hours

Grade Regular Hours  
Breakfast 7:30 am - 7:55 am (Monday - Friday)
Students Enter School 7:55 a.m. (Monday - Friday)
K - 5 8:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. (Monday - Friday)
Secretary 7:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. (Monday - Friday)
Registrar 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. (Monday - Friday)
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