Aukamm Elementary (AES) is located in Wiesbaden, Germany. AES is part of the Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) and Supported by the DoDEA Europe Central School District. AES collaborates with the other schools in the Wiesbaden Complex, which includes Wiesbaden Elementary School, Wiesbaden Middle School, and Wiesbaden High School.
AES services 183 students in grades K-5 who primarily live in the Aukamm military housing area. A small number of students live in the local community, as well as in other housing areas and AES on waivers.
There are 11 classes consisting of two classes in each grade level from kindergarten through 5th grade class. Additional enrichment classes include art, Host Nation, music, physical education, media center instruction, and technology. Instructional specialists are in the areas of reading, math, gifted education, special education, speech/language, and English as a Second Language (ESL.) AES has a full-time school nurse, counselor, and an itinerant school psychologist who assists teachers and students.
To welcome new students and families prior to the first day, the school provides new student orientation tours. The average tour of duty for families in Wiesbaden is three years. The vast majority of students have at least one parent who serves in the military, with the remainder of students having at least one parent who works in a related civilian position.
AES's vision statement, " Committed to Inspiring a Community of Life-Long Learners", reflects that the school's program is ready to meet the needs of every student.
Aukamm School Song
We’re Aukamm Elementary.
And we know it's the BEST.
We give 100 percent and no less.
We learn lots in school,
And that is cool.
We love all our teachers and staff!
They make learning fun.
That's why we're number 1.
We work hard and won't stop until it's done.
We're proud to say, in every way
That our school is number 1.